Saturday, July 27One world for all

Tag: San Mateo County

San Francisco Leads Nation in Employment Gains in Large Counties
Demographics, The Web

San Francisco Leads Nation in Employment Gains in Large Counties

Information businesses, including software publishers, and building construction are setting the job-growth pace By Sharon Simonson New economy is driving old in San Francisco, making the county the fastest growing in the country as measured by annual employment gains. Travis County, home to Austin, Texas, and another U.S. technology industry center, is the country’s second-fastest growing. Information businesses are among those adding jobs in the home county of the University of Texas, but businesses in other sectors are adding them faster. According to industry data released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau on the 50 largest U.S. counties by employment, companies that specialize in Internet publishing including online software sellers and web-search portals are adding workers...
Oh Baby! San Francisco Births on the Rise

Oh Baby! San Francisco Births on the Rise

State demographers said San Francisco, San Mateo and Alameda counties would experience declining births. They were wrong. By Sharon Simonson With wildly expensive housing and poorly perceived public schools, San Francisco has not enjoyed a reputation as a child-rearing mecca. As recently as 2010, state demographers predicted the number of births in the city each year would drop by a quarter over the coming decade. Trend lines were the same in Alameda and San Mateo counties. New U.S. Census Bureau birth estimates illustrate anew the pitfalls of future-telling: the number of babies born each year in both San Francisco and Alameda counties in fact rose from 2010 through 2015 and stayed steady in San Mateo County. A state demographer says their estimates erred in two, relate...
Foreign-born People Stoke Innovation Metros Across the U.S.

Foreign-born People Stoke Innovation Metros Across the U.S.

By Sharon Simonson International migrants are fueling population growth coast to coast in U.S. counties with technology- and innovation-centered economies. From the boroughs of New York City to Boston, Los Angeles and San Jose, existing residents are leaving tech-oriented metros, and international migrants are replacing them. Without the immigrants and returning U.S. residents in the last five years, many of the metros would have seen their population growth slow dramatically. Only tech centers Austin and Seattle are drawing steady streams of new residents from neighboring counties and other states and from overseas. The two metros have population growth at more than twice the rate of the nation at large, according to the 2015 population estimates released by the U.S. Census B...
San Mateo County Leads Bay Area Economic Growth

San Mateo County Leads Bay Area Economic Growth

Federal data charting five years' business growth suggest San Mateo County is the Bay Area’s true economic sweet spot. (Photo of the Facebook campus the month the company moved in, courtesy Flickr and Jitze Couperus.) By Sharon Simonson For all the debate about the relative economic strength and stature of traditional Silicon Valley (Santa Clara County) versus the new Silicon Valley (including San Francisco), San Mateo County is arguably outrunning both. Nationally, the information-technology sector is leading economic recovery. Industry payrolls expanded more than 20 percent in the five years ending in 2013, reaching $273 billion a year. Internet and software publishers and data storage and processing companies are growing the fastest. The Bay Area’s information-technology...